Through my commitment to public service, I have been intimately involved with the issues facing cities and counties. I have a proven track record of advocating for constituents to bring people together to find common ground that results in win-win situations. 

Solutions require that we bring our individual and common skills together, and work collaboratively on creative ways to solve problems as they present themselves. No one person or segment of the community has all the answers. I am committed to insuring that all people of Bear Valley Springs have a voice, are heard and their concerns considered.


19 Years monitoring and assessing a $2.3 Billion government budget at County of Ventura

 20 Years County government, Third District Supervisors, County of Ventura; 

Administrative Staff and Chief of Staff

6 Years Santa Paula City Council, 1 year as Mayor


Ventura Regional Sanitation District Board

Santa Paula Basin Pumpers Association

Santa Clara River Watershed Committee

Regulated land use through zoning laws 


 4 Years Medic in U.S. Air Force

4 Years Director of Santa Paula Family Resource Center

5 Years Certified Addiction Treatment Specialist

5 Years Family-Owned business in Agriculture


Currently, I am a 4-year member of the Board of Directors for the Bear Valley Springs Veterans Association, having served two years as Commander, and currently am serving as the Captain of the Honor Guard.  

Questions for Martin